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Big Ol Fake Saguaro Cactus

How~To Build A Big Ol Fake Saguaro Cactus "Necessity, who is the mother of invention" -Plato, from his dialogue Republic You are laughing right now.  "Did she really just quote Plato as the lead in for this DIY project??" Why, yes, I did.  For the past five years we have worked out at our local motocross track during their biggest race of the year.  The AZ Open draws riders from all over the country to Arizona for the only winter motocross national outdoor event in the country.  My husband works in the motorsports industry and we put together the toy dirtbike track kids play area. We dress up our big piles of play dirt with tents, banners and hay bales with race covers.  Every year I try to find new miniature things for toy track building- pine trees, palm trees, tunnels, cones, hay bales, tires.  The track owners have some terrific graphic work for each years race banners and signage.  The de...

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